BJJ WinterWeek 2022

BJJ WinterWeek 2022

BJJ WinterWeek | Belfast, Ireland
16-20 March 2022

5 days of Jiu-Jitsu, Parties, Trips and more in the beautiful Capital of Northern Ireland.

  • 3 Seminars a Day from 7 Instructors from around the world
  • Accommodation 
  • Organised excursions and meals
  • Limited to 80 Athletes 

Confirmed Instructors:

  • Daniele Pisu - Black Belt under Nicholas Brooks
  • Leonardo Santoro - 2nd Deg. Black Belt under Federico Tisi
  • Marco Bancone - 2nd Deg. Black Belt
  • Jeff Michell - 3rd Deg. Black Belt under Robson Moura


For more info and booking contact 
or via WhatsApp +39 392 0021822

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